Saturday, November 3, 2007

San Francisco Burning...

San Francisco is a great city falling into the grip of some crazy people. Just recently in the city, an anti-relgion nutjob was arrested at the steps of a prominent Catholic Church with a belt of explosives strapped to his waste. Earlier this week, thousands of people organized a mass protest against the war in Iraq, even though most of them have probably been brainwashed by an ideology and could care less about the consequences of leaving that country pre-maturely. Also, the Marines have been banned from filming a commercial but a bunch of sex-driven freaks are allowed to parade up and down the street. I just got back from San Francisco after spending the day there, and I have to be up front in saying that it is absolutely beautiful and amazing city. There is so much to do there and so many sights to see. However, the city is in the grip of left-wing anti-American liberals. Earlier today, I took a walk up and down Sutter street and had to see at least a dozen "Impeach Bush" and "End the War Now" stickers plastered up all over the street signs, parking meters, and even on the sidewalk. Then there's the usual "Bush lied people died" decals displayed on windows of cars. I don't think all San Franciscans buy into all the hatred, but I think they're afraid of the linked fanatics who have taken over the political system. Unfortunately, this anti-American hatred is spreading as more Americans seem to be "dissatisfied" with President Bush. Short of declaring a state of emergency like Pakistan has done with its crisis, the best thing we can do to combat this kind of hate is to reject it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?