Friday, December 28, 2007

Rudy Giuliani speaks out on Benazir's assassination

As of now, I have to say that Rudy Giuliani would be the best choice for president. I think he has what it takes to lead this country and battle terrorism. United World has not endorsed any candidate yet, but there's no doubt in he would make a good leader. He's not a religious fanatic like Mike Huckabee, he's socially liberal, and he does what he thinks his right. Issues like gay marriage and abortion are unimportant in the broader picture, and hopefully the conservative zealots who claim to care most about these issues realize that when they head to the polls. The rather disturbing developments that have been coming in this month from Algeria to Pakistan certainly remind us that their are far more dangerous threats out there than a woman deciding to terminate her pregnancy or a same-sex couple getting married (FYI...I consider myself to be 100% neutral on these issues).

Regardless of who wins in Iowa next week, central Asia is falling apart and terrorism is marching on Pakistan. Things look like they're going to get a lot worse before they get better and we need someone who knows what they're doing.

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